The hot sun !!! | Teen Ink

The hot sun !!!

November 20, 2013
By kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate this cold weather here in Delaware, I’m not a cold weather person.
That was one of my favorite parts about leaving and going to Barbados.
It was a lot to do before we got to go we had to get passports was one thing we had to do. Even though we still had to wake up early to catch the flight I was fine with it.
I was excited to get on a 4 hour plane ride it was my first time flying.

After a long day at the airport and eating lunch we finally headed to the pool.
Our hotel room was really nice, a guy came and took our suitcases to our room for us. The hotel had the biggest pool I had ever seen in my life. Full of locals from around the islands playing music I went to the snack bar and got a drink, when I seen a fountain under a rock. It was the prettiest thing ever with fish in it. We went back to our room and began to get ready for dinner were we have never been.

My dad told us that we were going to a fish restaurant for dinner. We took a cab, they drive on the opposite side of road than we do. They had no speed limits witch we weren’t used to in united states. We got to talk to a lot of local people about things to do, one told us to go swimming in the ocean with turtles. The fish restaurant had good food and we listened to Barbados music while eating. When dinner was over we walked the island a little bit than made our way back to the hotel.

As the next day began we headed to the ocean. I was really impressed when I saw the water there. It was the clearest water I have ever seen, you could see all the fish and turtles. When we watched the trainer teach us what to do I swam with a turtle. With people from Barbados we started playing volleyball on the beach. We than started to play soccer it was really fun. The next couple days we did the same thing and explored a lot of places. It was really different from America. Probably one of the nicest environments I have been in.

When we spent the next couple days there the fun was really catching up to me. The vacation was coming to an end, we had to head back to the airport. Barbados was a really fun place that I will for sure visit again. It was time to go back to good old Delaware. Barbados was the best vacation I have ever been on. I recommend Barbados to families for a vacation. This was my travel and it was a very fun experience.

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