My Day in the Big City | Teen Ink

My Day in the Big City

November 30, 2013
By campbells BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
campbells BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Between two evils, I always picked the one I never tried before

When I was 13 years old, I went with my school to New York City for a field trip at the end of the year. It was really fun. I was able to see all the cool skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 Memorial. At the end of the day, I was walking to a store with my group when I saw a homeless man with a dog. The man was holding a sign that said "Will work 4 dog food." Normally, I just walk right by these types of things. I give them a dollar and go on with my life. But, this one stuck with me. I had no money to give the man, unfortunately. As my group moved on down the street, I thought about the man and his dog. I could still see the dog's sad puppy eyes looking at me helplessly.

What was amazing about that man was how unselfish he was. Usually those men need money for themselves to buy food. But, not this man. He was raising money to buy food for his dog. His dog's hunger was more important than his own. While most people just walked by the two not even giving them a glance, I so desperately wanted to give the dog a bag of dog food, and the man a Big Mac from McDonald's.

The man reminded me of myself in a way. I have two dogs at home, and I would do anything for them. If tragedy struck and it was just me and my dogs, I would do the same thing. All my money would go towards my dogs. I would rather be hungry than watch my dogs starve to death. I just could not bear that sight.

The man and his dog inspired me to be more grateful. I should be thankful for the things I have. Although I am no where near rich and do not have everything I want, I do have everything I need. I am privileged to have a roof over my head and food to eat for every meal. When I start to complain about what I don't have, I bring myself back to down to earth and remember all the good things I do have.

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