Granddaughter | Teen Ink


December 16, 2013
By astachowiak BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
astachowiak BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rolled my eyes and threw my head back. How could I be so selfish?
I am the only granddaughter in my family. And so I get away with arguing with my brothers, doing whatever I want, and my grandma defends me¬—whether I’m right or wrong. But I don’t let that get in the way of who I am or how I act.
My aunt and uncle got married. Then she got pregnant¬¬—and I got worried. I might not be the only granddaughter anymore.
I worried about my grandma forgetting about me. And I worried the attention and defending would be towards this new girl. I didn’t want to be replaced by a baby.
Nine months later, we arrived at the hospital and I had a new baby boy cousin. I could breathe again.
Gazing at the wall, I began to think, I would have been ecstatic with whatever gender my new cousin was, because I will love them no matter what. And when I leave for college my grandma will need a granddaughter to give attention to and to defend. I need to stop thinking about myself.
Five months later my aunt became pregnant—and I smiled. I would choose to lose the defending and attention over having a girl cousin. In four months I will gladly give up being the only granddaughter.

The author's comments:
Putting others before myself has been a major part of myself growing up. Growing up and realizing I have to make some big decisions inspired me to write this piece. Becoming an adult helped me realize the little things that I thought were so important, really were nothing at all.

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