Homecoming Dance | Teen Ink

Homecoming Dance

December 18, 2013
By Matthew Osterman BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
Matthew Osterman BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We had just finished trying to dance to a Latin style song, when a new song, "Stand By Me", came on. My left hand went out and motioned for her to do the same. As I did this, I also slid my right hand across the back her her black dress until I found the opening on the back of her dress. I pulled her closer as we started to step and slightly sway back and forth. I stare into her beautiful and radiant eyes as the song reaches the chorus, "So darling, darling stand my me, oh stand by me," I quietly sing along with the song. "If only I could let her know how I actually feel. This song does a good job, but unfortunately I can't", I rationalize,"she is back with her ex". I sigh, prompting her to look at me with her breath taking eyes. "What's wrong?", she asked. "Oh nothing", I lie, "just thinking about how great this night has been so far, and how i don't want this to end", adding some truth to the end. This causes her to reveal her precious smile, causing my inner turmoil to be forgotten, and truly replacing it with never wanting the night to end, Eventually the song ends, but we stay close and continue slow dancing, not wanting to leave each other's side.

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