The Day that could've been my Last | Teen Ink

The Day that could've been my Last

January 23, 2014
By Anonymous

It all happened in the year of 2011 on Father’s Day. We were driving to, Colorado. Everyone was sleeping in the car except for the driver, my older brother who happened to be driving with only his learner’s permit. He was getting sleepy though. So sleepy that he fell asleep at the wheel, for a moment.

I remember awakening seeing the car horizontal from the divided highway. Then all of a sudden, something terrible had happened. The van started to flip and roll. My sister and I were in the backseat. Neither of us had our seatbelt on. And the trunk flew open. I’m lucky that I didn’t get tossed out from the back of the van.

We rolled into a nearby ditch. After that I blacked out. After that, all I knew was that the van was flipped and another car pulled up to help. It was worst than a roller coaster ride. My sister and I crawled out from the back. My little brother followed from behind. My mom and my older brother got out from the broken windows.

Mom’s knee was all banged up. My sister’s ankle was bleeding and had gotten a cut in it. My older brother’s hand was cut and needed stitches. Nothing was wrong with my little brother though. He was perfectly fine. And as for me, it hurt every time I turned my neck and it felt like I was about to get a headache.

The people who rolled up in the car behind us offered to give us a ride to where we needed to go. When we arrived at my Grandmother’s house, I ended getting sick and throwing up. My mom and Grandmother took me to the emergency room just to make sure nothing serious was wrong with me. We later ended up finding out that I had a concussion. They put that awful neck brace around me which was terribly uncomfortable. They subscribed me to some sort of medication pills. We all thought that my mom should’ve gotten her knee checked but she refused.

The most terrible things can come to you in some of the most unexpected times and on one of the most special days. Of course for me it was the day before Father’s Day.

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