Changed | Teen Ink


February 12, 2014
By Anonymous

Have you ever moved to a place where your brother or sister changed because of bullying? I have. We moved to a town called Mancos, Colorado. I made new friends and had fun, but my brother was the complete opposite: he got bullied and picked on.

After the years passed my brother became darker and darker, he stopped talking and started smoking. On a summer evening I was sitting on the couch with my brother watching him play on his Xbox. The Xbox is a gaming console that meant a lot to my brother, like your favorite pet. My brother and I would play on the Xbox every now and then. My mom just got done doing laundry and then told my brother to take out the trash.
he said.

I went to the bathroom. As I was in there I could here my mom yelling louder
“Take out the trash,” she said
he said once more.

As I came back into the living room I saw my mom by his Xbox with scissors threatening to cut one of the cords.
“Take out the trash or I cut your Xbox, take it out now!” she said.

As I stood in the doorway I saw something I would never want to see. My brother jumped off the couch and attacked my mom. He started to choke her and my mom kicked him off of her. I jumped behind a wall so know one would see me. I felt scared as if a herd of rhinos where about to trample me. A couple minuets later the police came. My dad being the marshal at the time came and took my brother away. It was hard for my dad because what had happen he was disappointed in my brother and sad for me and my mom. Me and my mom were taken to the police where I had to tell them what I saw and heard. I lied and said I only heard it and didn’t see it because I wanted to get the images out of my head. My brother was sentenced to a juvenile detention center.

After a couple months we went to visit him. I was told to wait in the waiting room. It was around 20 minuets after my mom, aunt, and grandma came back into the room. My brother got released after a couple times he was still dark and didn’t talk. He went for therapy for around one year. He did get better. After the year passed my brother and I became friends again, but I’m still afraid of him because I can see the anger in his eyes. I learned a lot from this experience in my in my life and that bullying won’t just hurt the person it can change them.

The author's comments:
My brother changed because he was bullied.

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