Personality | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Dad is quiet, and so is my oldest sister. They are tranquil and calm like trees blowing in the breeze. On the other hand I am like my mom bubbly and wild. We giggle and laugh really loud all the time and my dad and my sister get annoyed. But my other sister, she is different. She is stubborn like a bull, like a table that is too stubborn to move. she is stubborn and smiling to get what she wants. She is different. She is my sister. She is my friend. My sister is stubborn but smart, calm and wild. she is like my dad and my oldest sister and she is like me and my mom.

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