Everyone's hair is different | Teen Ink

Everyone's hair is different

April 14, 2014
By Beculeas SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Beculeas SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in my family has completely different hair. My dad has a black afro with tight curls that feel like a wire brush. My mom’s thin hair, smooth with soft light brown waves. My sister with hair of gold so yellow it hurts to look, and so soft and straight it could be silk. My brother with short brown hair, typical for a guy, and then there’s me. Long ash brown hair, unable to tame the curly cue curls.

No one knows what to do with my hair because I’m the only girl with curls. I put it up one way and by the end of the day it does whatever it wants. But not with my mom and sister. Their hair behaves, their hair is easy. How I wish i had easy hair to take care of.

I have learned to deal with my hair. When people smell it, they say it smells like sweet candy, when when they want to touch it, I hesitate. Why? It’s not soft, it’s not smooth, it’s not normal. It feels like rope or hay, wirely like my dad’s. People want my hair, want my curls. But me, how I wish I had “normal” hair.

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