On The Outside Looking In | Teen Ink

On The Outside Looking In

April 26, 2014
By TrynessaB GOLD, Lawrence, Indiana
TrynessaB GOLD, Lawrence, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
do what youre doing when youre supposed to be doing it where youre supposed doing it

Sometimes I feel confined to a little space. No independence or freedom.

I am almost 15 or I will be in august. Kids that are 12, 10 or even younger can go out alone without an adult hovering over their every move, watching them constantly.

Sometimes I also feel alone because I can’t talk my family not even my mom about anything boys, how I feel.

My family is just like a game of telephone everything or anything someone says keeps a secret or just In general they tell someone else even if they aren’t involved.

Also I feel I have no privacy everyone is always in my room and I can’t think and I’m never alone.

My room was supposed to be where I could escape from everyone and everything.

When I’m having a bad day or when my family is making me mad.

Also I can’t express my feelings in this journal because I know someone will try and read it and talk to me about it.

I don‘t want that to happen because I can’t talk to anyone about anything because they will make a big deal about it or tell the whole family.
I just wish life was more like a movie where the mom is there for you and can talk to her and she will listen and also take care of you and not your grandma even though it was best.

Because that’s what mom’s do they don’t go and get pregnant and not take care of their kids tare of the child or give it the they either give the child up for adoption because they can’t take care child or give it the best life that someone else can.

But some mom don’t take care of their kids but why did that have to be mine

I also feel like crap because I was bullied and it really hurts and still does when it happens

I feel like people everyone laugh at me or who I am.

Nobody listens to me or understands me because I’m a child and their adult and what I say doesn’t matter to anyone or anything, everyone is always yelling at me about everything.

I also have a dream to be a singer but I was told I shouldn’t because it’s not a steady paying job and it won’t put food on the table.

But I aspire to be more than just a regular old Indiana black teen I want to show my true colors to the world.

I am also a writer I have 3 published pieces on teenink.com and writing is something I want to pursue as a career of interest.

Because I can pull anything from my mind and make it something someone will want to read because of the depth and emotion in the story.
Writing lets me express my feelings that is why I’m happy I have this journal

I also think writing expands your comprehension and thought range. When you write you should feel better like a burden is lifted off your shoulders this is how I feel when I write.

The author's comments:
this is a real experince and try writing to relax yourself

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