Letter for a Valentine | Teen Ink

Letter for a Valentine

April 27, 2014
By Mr.JayCe SILVER, Antioch, Tennessee
Mr.JayCe SILVER, Antioch, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For belligerence is not to be fooled with, it is the key to a lurid reputation.

I write this letter to you because it is almost summertime and I want what might be our last words to mean something…

This is a thank you letter, and no not just a thank you letter, because they mean much more than that. This is not a poem or a soliloquy or a monologue this is a memory and a feeling being painted and expressed. And I wanted to personally begin by saying—it hurts! On a scale of one to ten of pain, I rate it a nine. That is not okay and sometimes it makes me think that—people, really do come and go. I think you never actually understood what you have done for me and how much love and respect I have for you. You changed me and who I am; you put me in a position where I have to thrive to be the best man possible for a woman, which I might be blessed with in the future. You know, you just made me want to be something more, better... And—it was originally for you. I can’t express the change that you have put me through or the happiness you have granted me or the amount of success you lined me up for—but one thing I want you to own if I ever become successful and change this world is to never be afraid to say that you created that, that you shaped, curved, whisked, shaken, twirled, and influenced that to be the man he is today. I don’t care if it is twenty years from now!

No matter the life we tread or the roads we take… I’ll always remember how I took the path and road I walk upon today. There is a lot I want to tell you and a lot I just can’t explain. I know for the most part, that I haven’t said anything to you in a while. I guess it was my turn to go through the motions and sorrow. The times when I felt like I shouldn’t have to go through wondering how much you cared, how great of friend you can actually be, and when would we connect as friends. Sometimes, I see you and you seem like a different person all together, you seem more relaxed and friendly, your head is above the water and it’s attractive—it catches my eyes. You seem happier and brighter, like you have something going for yourself and that ultimately makes me feel better about myself. On another note, I wish to end this by saying thank you, I want to tell you thank you, thank you for everything you’ve done, thank you enormously for being gorgeous and most of all—you mean the most.

There are people I confide in, talk to, tell my secrets too and then there are people who see where I am going and believe that I will go so far, and it is those people who see my future that I tell how I changed and why I changed, and it’s those people that I confide into that ask me, how is the situation (me and you) going; what’s going on; are you still friends and talking; is their still communication? Typically I tell them both the same round about answer: I don’t know if she knows this and I don’t know if she wants to hear it, but she is the genesis to my life story, she would be the chapter one and the epilogue, my first baby steps and my last, the influence to my decisions and my first words. She is the first smell of the real world… my last breath—she… is the first sound of the beat of my heart.

Love you, Really do,


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