Community Service Award | Teen Ink

Community Service Award

April 30, 2014
By Jonny Westemeier BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
Jonny Westemeier BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To make my community a better place I volunteer in soup kitchens, give food to the homeless, help my neighbors, clear drains when there covered in leaves and snow, and just about help people whenever they need help. Volunteering has changed my view on the world because you see the world differently. When I go to Detroit to volunteer in the soup kitchens I go from a nice warm home, with heat and water, and a nice bead that I feel safe in when I goo to bed. To a city where there is people that have no food, no house, no bed, and no heat when it is really cold outside. This changes my perspective on the world because you see how much you have and how little others have and it feels as if you always want to give them money and help them.

One time I was in Detroit and I was working at a soup kitchen and there was a lady there that seemed as if she was lonely and sitting at a table alone so after we started serving the food I came over and talked with her and she said that she was poor and very depressed because her daughter had got hit by a car and her daughter had been stabbed by a guy five times that night and her daughter was in serious condition. After that I noticed that the people noticed she was sitting alone and they came over and sat with us we had a conversation for over an hour and it was one of the best moments in my life because they were some of the nicest people and we just laughed and talked for a while. Later that day I noticed that they were some of the best people I had ever met and I noticed that just because people are homeless they shouldn’t be the people without any money they should be the people that are just like us with heat and power and food so I started donating money and food to Detroit and working in the soup kitchens more and now this is one of my favorite things to do.

The author's comments:
My teacher inspired me to do this article, and I hope people will get to help the homeless.

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