Embroidery With Sunshine | Teen Ink

Embroidery With Sunshine

May 2, 2014
By DanaNajeeb BRONZE, Al Ain, Iowa
DanaNajeeb BRONZE, Al Ain, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" _Einstein

I could have never imagined a journey like it, It was breathtaking! The amounts of flowers I saw as far as my eyes could reach. The wind danced between some of the flowers and they began to swing left and right against each other.

How the golden sunshine was running beautifully on the salient spots in my dress as if it was picking what it liked from my dress to land on and leaving what it didn't.

The sound of birds singing was tickling my eardrum exceeding all my standards of what a beautiful voice should be. Clouds were combined and jauntily drew a magical painting on the sky.

And those lines on the branches of the big trees as if they were wrinkles of an old man. Each wrinkle had its own story just like everything it has been through was reflected on the branch, written with a foreign language that no one can actually understand.

I was lying between the flowers charging my senses. Making the boundaries of the charm in my mind disappear, realizing it's limitless. That place was teaching my senses that beauty has no ambit. Do you know? I think all of those elements were creating a magnificent picture. Just if you look deep into there. If you look at what's behind the view you're looking at, wherever you are. Just understand the massage of that picture and you'll understand life.

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