Drugs Are Bad | Teen Ink

Drugs Are Bad

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

None of us are an exception to it. We all know what it is like to be hurt. We know what it is like to lose a friend, right? Not all people keep their friends for eternity. Companions come and go throughout the years and there is not much you can do to stop it, except learn who to put your trust into. If you are not religious, than you might not know this, but the devil was once an angel. He’s a fallen angel, but he used to be in Heaven. He was actually one of the most trustworthy angels that stood at the right hand of God. What happened, though? He turned on God. He proved himself to be mendacious. Friends are like this, too, except they are less evil about it. They may not plot to kill you or take over your home, but they might start some repugnant rumors about you or spill some secrets.

At many times, people will seem reliable but they will turn out to be the complete opposite of what you expected. Spilling secrets is a good example of an unreliable friend. An example was just a few years ago in sixth grade. I had a confidant named Jayden who I thought was pretty magnificent. She turned out to be quite a deceiver and she gave out all my confidential matters, such as a self harm disorder that I had and still do. She informed quite a few people about this. I trusted her, and that clearly backfired.

Sentinel yourself on who you hang out with. Pick someone who your parents and friends would approve of. If all of your friends are telling you that a certain person you are spending time with isn’t a good influence on you, that is a neon sign that you should not be around them. If they are known for being into drugs, drinking, or other bad influences, you should pick some new friends. Sometimes people will seem really nice at first, but then you discover that they are doing something amiss. Try to avoid that affair as often as possible.

If you do have a friend who is in to drugs or other substance abuses, avoid peer pressure as much as possible. The same friends that you thought were perfect a month ago could be pressuring you to smoke or drink when you don’t want to. One example of this is when I went to my friend's house a few months ago. She was smoking weed, and I was aware of it, but she promised she would not smoke around me. She nagged me for hours and told me that I could not go home until I smoked. She locked me up in her room and blocked me from leaving. After hours of peer pressure, I finally smoked and she took me home. I do regret that experience, and that is why I am not friends with her anymore. It has changed my life for the better. I encourage anyone reading this to not give into peer pressure and stay away from people who you know do the wrong things. If they pressure you to do those things, they do not care about you and they are not your friend.

As we go through life, we gain some and we lose some. It is not our option whether we are hurt by other people, but we can choose to control it. We do not have to hold the pain over ourselves our whole lives. Let it proceed without you. There will never cease to be someone waiting at the end of the road that is superior for you. If you and your boyfriend break up, it is not the apocalypse. Armageddon will not happen because of a break up. There will always be a better boy/girl, a better friend, a better opportunity waiting for you. Do not neglect aspirations. Just because one relationship did not work out the way you wanted it to, does not mean all of them will fail. The point overall, is that you should be careful who you trust so you do not get hurt. The devil was an angel, but he wasn’t the only one. There are angels out there for you that will not turn into reprobates. The foremost thing above all is to remember. Remember to be careful who you trust, because the devil was once an angel.

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