The Flower Shop | Teen Ink

The Flower Shop

May 11, 2014
By Maddiewolf SILVER, Mountain City, Tennessee
Maddiewolf SILVER, Mountain City, Tennessee
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite place in the whole world is my grandparents' flower shop. I spent my greatest childhood years there. I would take a nap in a comfy old box. Then I would wake up and go to the tastiest candy store. After, I would play in the colorful flowers until I had to go home.

My parents always said that when I was little you would always find me asleep, never awake. They said that out of my whole family, I was the one that slept the most. At the flower shop, I would always sleep in a box. This box was a small square box that my grandma would keep behind the counter. For me to fit in this box, my legs and head would be hanging out the sides, but I didn't care. This box was even comfier than my bed. To some people, this box would be uncomfortable and they would be stiff and have aches and pains after. To me, this box was the greatest napping place.

Sleeping in a cardboard box was only one great part about the flower shop. Another great part was the scrumptious candy in the candy store next door. When I wasn't sleeping, I was usually in the candy store. After lunch, my grandma would give my older sister Abbie some money and we would head over to the candy store. Just the smell of that store was delicious. The minty smell of peppermint and the spicy cinnamon enriching the air. Just going into that store made me happier. Once you got used to the smells, it was time to find one piece of delicious, mouthwatering candy. It was so hard to choose; there were Skittles, Jolly Ranchers, chocolate, lollipops and Pixie Sticks, but the best candy was Zebra Gum. All of the other candy couldn't compare to the taste that this one had. It was a small pack of gum that had grape, blueberry, strawberry, watermelon, and green apple all in one packet. When you would eat a piece, a sour sting would zap your tongue and then it would turn sweet. The greatest part was the wrapping paper around each piece of gum. Each wrapping paper had tattoos that you just hold to your tongue and a rainbow stripped zebra would be seen. Sadly, we would eventually have to leave the candy store.

When we got back to the flower shop, I would immediately go to the freezers full of fresh flowers. I would open and close, open and close the freezer doors repeatedly because every time I did a wonderful fresh scent of flowers would surround me. Every time I would open the doors, I would smell beautiful roses and delicate tulips. I would do this for about 10 minutes until I got in trouble by my grandma. She would make me come and sit down behind the counter and give me a green foam block to play with. Giving me that green block was a bad idea because within 5 minutes I ripped the block apart. Little green pieces that looked like dust would be flying everywhere. Then I would hear my grandma say "Oh lord, Madeleine" then regretting that she gave it to me. While she cleaned up the mess, she would send me off to play in the beautiful flowers thinking that I wouldn't get into trouble. She was wrong again. I would run through the shop accidentally knocking things over and rearranging flowers to my liking. My grandma would make me go to my box and I would take a nap once more.

Sadly I couldn’t stay there forever. The next year we moved to Tennessee. My grandparents sold the shop, hoping it was in good hands, and then we all left for Tennessee. A few years went by and I was informed that the lady who bought the shop closed it. It turns out that her husband was in the army and he was moved. My grandparents were crushed. They had owned this shop for about 20 years. I played in the shop for about 8 years. A big part of my childhood was gone.

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