We Cry Alone | Teen Ink

We Cry Alone

July 17, 2014
By Anonymous

The girl is sitting at a party. She is sipping cheap beer and wishes that alcohol rather than blood inhabited her veins. She does not care about parties, she does not care about socializing, she is still hungover from getting drunk earlier that day. She tries to follow the endless streams of pointless conversation but her brain cannot comprehend a single word of it. Her eyes are drooping but she must drink more, why isn't this drink stronger, why does her head hurt, why does she feel absolutely nothing for anyone around her? Her life is a joke and she can't understand the punchline or why people are still laughing so loud. She has done everything in her power to not come to this horrible moment of understanding but eventually the truth always comes, tearing her flesh from her bones. She is crying in public, crying hysterically, crying so much and so hard that eventually the whole dimly-lit room is flooded and everyone is dead and all that she can hear is her heart beating in her ears. And finally she gets up. She stumbles, chugging more beer, and sprints out the door, refusing to stop until she is dead.

The author's comments:
Life is easier said than done but life goes on.

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