Sibling | Teen Ink


September 24, 2014
By pateldhara BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
pateldhara BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“He was saying that he doesn’t like the clothes you wear, they make you look like a sl*t and how you’re always talking to guys”. I felt like someone had taken a knife and stabbed it behind my back. I can forgive you once but not twice. This was not the first time he had back stabbed me, it was the second. It didn’t hurt as much as the first time, I think I just realized that he will never like me the way I am.
My brother was born and raised in India with my grandparents. And I was born and raised in the United States with my parents. Therefore, our thinking was totally different. He came from a place where girls didn’t interact with other guys, and on the other hand I was very open minded. I remember when he first came to live with us, I was 14. He felt really excluded from everyone I could tell. I just wanted to make him feel better and make him feel as if he were at home. I shared everything with him thinking that he would share about him with me. This might have been the worse decision of my life.
"What are you guys talking about" he asked. "Oh nothing, just talking" my cousin lied. Later I found him in his bed alone; I asked him if everything was okay. "I don't like it here, everyone is so selfish and no one talks to me" he cried. I felt really bad, I thought I hurt him. I've never seen him cry after that. But then I talked him to make him feel better. "So what were you guys talking about" he asked. I didn't want to tell him but he made me swear to tell him the truth. So I told him that we were talking about a guy in my school that I liked.
Not only did he emotionally blacked mailed me to get all the Information about me but also told everything to my older cousin. I didn’t get in big trouble, because I hadn’t done anything wrong, I mean unless looking at guys and thinking that they are cute is wrong. But to him, it was wrong. I waited for him all my life. I always thought it would be so nice to have a brother that I could play with, fight with and hang out with, but I thought wrong. It’s unbelievable how we act so normal around each other but actually dislike each other. Eventually we learned how to get along but we will never agree on everything.
We try not to bring up things that may cause conflict. We talk and play fight everyday but never again would I share anything personal with him. He doesn’t share with me either. But just because I don’t trust him doesn’t mean I don’t care about him, I always want the best for him.

The author's comments:

I've just accepted the fact that i can't change the way other people think, I can only learn how to live with it.

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