do u have a mom or a dad | Teen Ink

do u have a mom or a dad

October 7, 2014
By nikkielynn SILVER, Seaford, New York
nikkielynn SILVER, Seaford, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have u ever lost a mom?
How bout a dad?
How bout both?

I have and its not fun I lost my mom well my mom walked out of my life and my dad died 1 year ago and 6 months  so its hard on me to do the things I want to do so don’t be afraid to express your feelings I know how that feels like you’re stuck in your own world and there you have the perfect family but in real life you don’t and that’s okay nobody has the perfect family in the world  I know that because I used to think that I had a perfect family and nobody or any  of us could change that my mom walked out when I 7 and my dad died when I was 12 so I don’t know now what I can do

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