Earliest Memory | Teen Ink

Earliest Memory

October 21, 2014
By CassFrass SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
CassFrass SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My first memory was the day my baby sister came home from the hospital. It was a hot June day in South Dakota, the sun was shining and i could hardly contain my excitement. I remember my mother going into labor the night before, so my brothers and I were being watched by my Grandma Shirley. Our little house on Jackie Street was filled with summer sun and smelled of the freshly baked cake that my grandma and I had created early that day. I remember sitting on the couch watching my favorite movie, The Last Unicorn, but I couldn’t help fidgeting. We had been busy decorating all morning, our tiny home was completely unrecognizable. Pastel pink streamers and balloons covered every inch of our living room. I was the 4th child but only the first girl in my family. I had been spoiled by everyone’s attention since the day I was born. But I wasn’t worried about the lose of attention by any means, I was so excited to finally have a sister. Ever since I could remember I had always played with my brothers, copying every move they made, I felt like I was one of them. But with the birth of my new sister I realized I would finally have someone to play with that was just like me! I would have someone to play barbies, to dress up, and play with my Mom’s makeup with. The day felt like it dragged on, every noise that our little house created made me think it was my parents pulling up to the house with my new sister in tow. It must have been late in the afternoon when they finally arrived. I heard the rumble of our mini van from all the way down the street, this time I was positive of it! My brothers and I funneled out the front door and dashed onto the front law. My dad parked the car and help my tired mom out of her seat. Then he reached for the sliding door which revealed a car seat with a pink covering that I knew my sister was sleeping soundly in. We crowded around my dad’s legs but my dad didn’t even skip a beat, he marched straight into the house with our new surprise. When all of the kids were finally settled onto the couch my mother reached into the car seat and picked up the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on and handed her to my grandma. My grandma kneeled in front of the couch and finally let us kids take a good look at the new addition to the family. I remember staring in awe and reaching out to touch her soft head. That is still one of my favorite memories I have of my childhood.

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