Out to Haul | Teen Ink

Out to Haul

October 30, 2014
By Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We hop into the truck at the crack of dawn, we drive to the Marina then into the outboard and row our way to The F/V Shell Shock, climb aboard and start up the engine and then off we go to haul. I bait up a pocket and then wait anxiously to see how we would do in the first trap, as Aidan sings some old rock and roll to get the morning and lobsters flowing. We haul the first trap and with eight lobsters in it we figure it will be a great day out on the sea. We haul a few strings, beginning to reach one crate.  We begin to mess around, laughing and listening to Aidan sing to the music. We haul the next trap and wouldn’t you know the trap is empty, but we don’t get worried because we still have time to haul all the rest. We struggle to get just that one crate filled, but the next trap we haul has twelve more counters just waiting to be sold. Next we haul the derby traps, Raelea has three lobsters and uncle gets none. Uncle, as usual gets a little mad but we still continue with our day. We stop for a while and grab a bite to eat, as we are eating we hear about the chance to win two Blue hill fair tickets, so uncle called to try and win them. They asked for caller two, unfortunately uncle was caller one. Now with uncle in a rotten mood we go back to hauling his traps. We haul for about one more hour and then there was another chance to get a pair of Blue Hill Fair tickets but this time they want caller one and uncle is caller two. Now with uncle in an even worse mood than he was we continue to haul the rest of his traps. One by one the start to look better and Uncles improves. As we near two crates it just so happens that we haul five traps with nothing in them, now with Aidan and uncle starting to get irritated the profanity starts. We haul a few more, averaging about two per trap. We make a break through and reach two and a half crates. Aidan starts jumping up and down and cheering Uncle tells him to knock it off and to start cleaning up the boat because we are done for today Aidan gets angry. “It’s only two ‘o’clock” he states, “We have plenty of time to get three crates!” Uncle says no and we begin to clean up the boat as we begin sailing in to sell at Benny’s wharf. We get in and sell with just over two and a half crates we clear about six hundred dollars. We head down to the bank to cash the check, then drive down the road back to my house. After all the work I had done on the boat that day all he gave me was twenty dollars.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 5 2014 at 10:14 am
alleykat BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
3 articles 3 photos 4 comments
hah! That sounds just like Uncle Arlin :)