School Days | Teen Ink

School Days

November 2, 2014
By Miles_456 SILVER, Hemet, California
Miles_456 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    It’s 6:00 AM and I’m already awake. This is the first thing that runs through my mind Monday through Friday every school year. I slowly stumble out of my warm, cozy bed and blindly walk to the shower. It’s quite chilly from the constant breeze coming from my fan and open windows, but the steaming hot water flowing from my shower head is miraculously soothing, making me doze off and resulting in extremely long showers. When I step out of the shower there’s always that five second gap where I’m practically freezing and have no towel, everyone hates that feeling. After I’m dressed I have my two Eggo waffles soaked in maple syrup and a small glass of mango smoothie. Now I brush my teeth, get my backpack, and I’m off to school.
     AP Euro is such a boring class. Since it’s my first period class, everyone in the room is half asleep the whole time, while my teacher rambles on about the defenestration of Prague. He expects us to take notes on his interesting lectures, but turns off all the lights so nobody can see their paper. Makes no sense to me. Once the class ends I can go to English, all I have to say is that English class is the very reason I’m writing this essay, yet I enjoy writing, so this is by far my most favored class. I now stand at the bottom of the stairs heading to Spanish. Espanol es no muy bien. When I walk through the blandly painted door securing my math class I know I’m close to lunchtime. Math is so easy I could do it in my sleep, instead I spend an hour in a class doing the same worksheets everyday. During lunch I eat my sandwich, talk to my friends, and play games on my phone. The rest of my school day doesn’t excite me too much, so i have nothing to say about that stuff.
     I’m finally at home, except my AP Euro teacher gave me about 100 pages of reading so i’ll be in my room for the next four hours while my parents eat dinner without me. Oh wait, I also have a math worksheet that looks exactly like the one I did the other night. Hey look, I just found four Spanish activities that are apparently due tomorrow. At around 10:00 PM I’m finally done with the madness and eat my now cold plate of delicious dinner. Everyone is already asleep, so I guess I should do the same. I turn off all the lights, hop up into bed, and shut my eyes. It was a long day, now I can get some sleep so I can happily repeat the cycle tomorrow and for three more days following that. It’s 10:30 PM and I’m already asleep.  

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