Why I'm Proud To Be An American | Teen Ink

Why I'm Proud To Be An American

November 10, 2014
By abbey97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
abbey97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Il sole arriverà domani.” This translates to “The sun will come up tomorrow.” Day after day, this assured my ancestors that after each long day, there would be a fresh day tomorrow. Without it, my family would not be the successful businessmen they are today.
The Catalano Produce business has been successful for over 130 years. My grandfather’s family came to America from Sicily, Italy, in 1884. They were broke; their only possessions were the clothes on their backs, their knowledge of running a produce business, and their last name.
Knowing what they knew about America, my family put all their assets together, and thanks to the ample opportunities in America, my family now has a growing small business. After long months of trying to start a foundation for their business, they kept reminding each other, “Il sole arriverà domani.” Each day is new.
Summerfest, State Fair, Festa Italiana, and many more festivals are home to the famous Catalano Fruit Stand of Milwaukee. Providing a healthier alternative to the soft pretzels and cheese curds on the Summerfest grounds, the fruit stand has been a hit for years. I am proud to walk down the streets of Milwaukee with my Catalano Produce jacket around my shoulders. I am proud to represent my family’s business. I am proud to be a Catalano.
My family’s growing business has expanded over the years and it has been an experience I will never forget. Remembering that the sun will come up each day will hopefully give me the same opportunities America gave my family. Their move to America was the best decision of their lives, and that is why I am proud to be an American. 

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