Helen Keller and me | Teen Ink

Helen Keller and me

December 5, 2014
By Landon Pride BRONZE, Noble, Illinois
Landon Pride BRONZE, Noble, Illinois
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The Famous Words of Vince Lombardi “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have”. My obstacles took place in Noble, IL two years ago at my house on Elm Street. I had to train my dog buddy not to be gun shy and to retrieve. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate. I to overcome my obstacle of training my dog Buddy.
Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of being able to communicate. When Helen was a baby, she got sick and became blind and deaf. The Kellers hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen. Annie was able to reach Helen trust, obedience and language to overcome her obstacle.
Like Helen Keller I also, overcome an obstacle. My obstacle was training my dog Buddy not to be gun shy and to retrieve. My dad helped me to train my dog. We took him to my grandma’s and shoot guns so he would get use to it and we got dead doves so he would retrieve. Now my dog Buddy is really good at what he does.
Although our obstacle were different, we share a few similarities. My dog is a student and had a teacher. My dog had to learn how to retrieve and Helen had to learn how to communicate. We both had an optical and overcame it.
Helen had a hard obstacle to overcome and mine was to train my dog. I learned to not take things for granted because there are people out there that are unable to communicate. Do not give up now matter how hard it is. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart”said Helen Keller.

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