My Heroes | Teen Ink

My Heroes

December 11, 2014
By JenCM BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
JenCM BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heroes are unique. They are special to me they have told me what is right and what is wrong. They give me the strength to keep moving and make my dreams come true. They work their a** just to succeed not just for but for my sisters.

My heroes mean the world to me. Yes they are not perfect. Heroes weren’t meant to be perfect yes they tried their best so we can be someone successful in life. They might punish me for not doing well in school but by doing that it demonstrates how much they care. Caring is another thing because they might get mad at me tell me I need to try harder that they know I can do it and that makes me believe in myself. By doing all this it makes it even better to say that there my heroes.

My heroes are the best. Every time I do good in school and seeing their expression on their face is speechless. Seeing them happy, and that little by little I'm going to be able to reach my goal. And when I do I'm going to go up to them and say “All your love attention, effort made me successful. If it wasn't for your help I wouldn't have made it this far. Yes I still have more to accomplish my goal. But with your help and support I know I'm going to make it." Those words are going to be the words that are going to come out because I'm going to make them proud of me.

My hero’s advice is what it is also giving me strength to keep moving to success. Every advice I get from them and I take it into consideration. Why because their words and what they say is the truth. Sometimes we might see they are old and that they don’t know what they're talking about. But in reality what they tell you is for your own good. That kind of advice is what my success says it's made out of.

 My heroes don't wear a cap and gown, they are not from a cartoon TV show, they are my parents.

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