Ryan Park | Teen Ink

Ryan Park

January 15, 2015
By kcee1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kcee1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve lived a mile away from this hidden treasure for ten years. And only a year ago, I discovered it…
I was constantly on the lookout for large parks in Pewaukee that wasn’t just a mowed down plot of land or wasn’t crawling with screaming children all day. And then I found Ryan Park.
The second me and my dog, Lily, jumped out of the car, I knew this would be our new favorite place. Big trunked trees border off this vast land, closing us off from the hecticness of the real world. Natural trails weave through tall, billowy grass and humble wooded areas.
We continued to walk through the trails of this silent sanctuary, and for a while, I almost forgot where I was. Outside of the park, there was construction and the constant rumbling of cars. But inside the park, I felt like I was in a pre colonized Wisconsin. All I could hear was the whirling wind, rustling leaves, and birds chirping.
We walked only through some of the trails and eventually decided to turn back. While walking back to our parked car, we crossed paths with two horseback riders. They smiled, said hi, and continued to ride. I didn’t even know people out here still rode horses!
It felt like a different world here. A world where I felt safe walking my dog alone, where strangers were friendly, and where nature is valued above everything else.
Ryan Park is my very own Waukesha treasure… and I think it is Lily’s too.

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