Beaver Lake A Waukesha County Treasure | Teen Ink

Beaver Lake A Waukesha County Treasure

January 15, 2015
By Gabriella Rice SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Gabriella Rice SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lake that glows with the reflection of the sunlight is straight ahead. Flippers, flip, flop like a frog to the end of the dock. Swimming are the fish and the ducks. When my cousins come running down the dock armed with squirt guns, they fire them at me.

On a tube, we play rock the boat or king of the tube. I love it when my uncle pulls out his boat and takes us tubing. I enjoy when the tube just glides across the surface of the water smoothly. When we get tired of swimming, we play volleyball and try not to hit the ball in the water too many times. When the sun goes down, we line up the fishing rods and try to see who can get a bigger fish. In the fire pit I built a fire that keeps going through the night. 

When the fireworks are about to start, I have my camera ready. It has been a hobby of mine to take pictures of fireworks.  It is challenging to take pictures of fireworks, because of the timing and the settings. I get so excited when I have a couple of clear pictures that I get to show my family. Every year the Fourth of July is a treasure on Beaver Lake.

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