Waukesha County Treasure | Teen Ink

Waukesha County Treasure

January 15, 2015
By austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not all treasures are found in a chest, for one of the greatest treasures fall in a small beat up town in Waukesha, WI. That small town is North Lake, Wisconsin, where I was raised. Don’t let it’s small size fool you, for North Lake has a large history.

One of the treasurous features in North Lake is their elementary school, where I went. North Lake Elementary only had around three hundred students, but it allowed you to build long lasting relationships with those few people. The teachers their built relationships with their students that are still strong today. I still talk to my former principal, for he always checks up to see how wrestling and life are going for me. That is a treasure that is priceless.

Another valuable part of North Lake is the Town Hall Library. This old library welcomes all citizens with a warm heart. Every Wednesday after school my friends and I would hang out at the library to study and have fun. With the vast variety of books to rent or buy very cheap how could it get any better? A little white building with a long history has more value to a community than anything I have ever seen before.

North Lake is a valuable antique, rich with history and beautiful to those who know it’s worth. From the school to the library there is nothing else in Waukesha like North Lake. The town has majorly impacted the lives of many for over a hundred years, and will continue to impact lives of many yet to come.

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