Winter Break | Teen Ink

Winter Break

January 15, 2015
By Bryson Patao BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Bryson Patao BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During the break my sister, my dad, and I went fishing out by Coconut Island. When we got there about 20 minutes this guy shows up and talks to my dad about fishing. When they were almost done talking, the man told a story about a time when he went fishing and saw a 10ft tiger shark come up and eat a sea turtle in half, then everybody on the shore saw a half bitten sea turtle swimming to shore. When I heard about this story my sister, and I was scared to death cause we love to fish and swim there. From now on if someone ask me if we want to swim at Coconut Island I would say “yes” but I won’t go swimming I will only come and watch people jump off. The one thing I will still do is still fish cause it’s one of the best spot to go and catch fish. My sister would still go swimming cause he doesn’t care cause she has been swimming there since her and me were kids. If I went there and saw the shark I would warn everybody and tell him or her to get out the water really quick. Since we’ve been there since we were little kids and we go there for almost ever party we have, and I was surprised hearing a story about a shark at Coconut Island, The amount of times I’ve been to the beach I ‘am really scared to swim there now since there’s a shark there swimming around looking for food. I have a question for you “Would you still swim at Coconut Island even if you heard and saw the shark? That is one story I heard and thing I did during the Winter Break.

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