Change Is Not a Bad Thing | Teen Ink

Change Is Not a Bad Thing

January 22, 2015
By kimtty BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
kimtty BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you're in the car and you see the light blinking yellow you mentally get yourself ready for the stop. You feel it the pressure of the brake getting push and your body jerking forward from the reaction. That’s how I see life. The stop was nice and easy until one day when the light turned yellow I stomped on the gas pedal. I always played it safe in my short time being in existence. Went to school, did homework, take care of my younger brother, and watched youtube videos like a crazy person. One day, I thought to myself why don’t I change my direction. I did and the results were shocking. I learned being a teenager doesn't mean it’s all about your boyfriend/girlfriend or how many friends you have. I think it’s about learning who you are as a person and learning to accept who you are. The results is passion and how deeply involved you get yourself in.

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