What matters the Most? | Teen Ink

What matters the Most?

January 26, 2015
By Timmie00 BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
Timmie00 BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  In life there is a lot of things you are going to need and want. The most important thing Is to get in church and get your soul saved. Your family comes next. Also you have to have a job so you can support your family.

     The most important thing is god. If you have faith and you have excepted god, he will not leave you stranded. Stay in church and let him know that you respect him. Once you get your soul saved you become a whole new person.
     Family is also a big thing that matters in life. To grow a bond with your wife and kids is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean being a single man all my life, living lonely would be depressing. Family is a very special thing.
     To be a successful person in life you are going to have to have a good job. You need a good paying job, not working at a fast food restruant all your life. You at least need a job that you can bring home about 800$$ a week. And if you have a wife making the same you will be well off.
     Maybe when I graduate high school I can become as good of a person as I said i want to be. What matters the most to me is God, family, and a good job. What matters most to you??

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