Discovering what really matters | Teen Ink

Discovering what really matters

January 27, 2015
By deonte_crenshaw4 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
deonte_crenshaw4 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

what really matters to me in life is having a great family that will support you in anything that you do in life. having family is the best thing you could ever have. beside having someone you can talk to every once and a while and just talk things out. But with family it just more than that. family will stand by you through thick and thin.

my family has been there for me every since i could talk. when my grades dropped my mom and dad wouldnt beat me but they would hire a tutor to help me with my work in school. even when i played basketball at school my family would travel to every game no matter where it is at.

when i played basketball i meant differnt people and talked to different people and meet alot of new girls. meaning i wanted to go back and see them again, so i would ask my parents could i go and they would let me leave the house.

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