reflective essay | Teen Ink

reflective essay

January 28, 2015
By BaileyExley SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
BaileyExley SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When my parents were getting married and me and my dad were taking a picture then  I looked into his eyes and I know then that he was going to be an amazing dad. What i’m trying to figure out is was the most significant event that has happened in my life. what if Some other significant things in my life possible make that one event that seemed special to me complete blur. To me I think my parents getting divorced,living only with my mom and getting a step dad make that one event just disappear.
My parents getting divorced made a huge impact in my life because my mom has now without someone to help take care of the family,the house,the dog and help pay the bills to keep our house. When my parent got divorced it showed me that I can’t trust everyone that’s coming my. There are also good thing that came out of it ,like my mom got another chance to find love again and to help with everything but the first thing she wanted to know,before the person got to even know me,was did he want a kid,a dog and a house to take care of. Then me and my mom moved to rochester.
When we moved to rochester my mom didn’t have a house yet so we stayed with my grandparents. Then my mom met with people that could build us a house on a piece of land for that was not ever much. After we moved into the house I had to start going to school ,so my mom picked a preschool for me to go and that where I met on of my very Best friend her name was Emily,we did everything together.But seeing my mom live on her own with my really showed me how strong by mom was and that we would be fine living on our own together.then my mom got a job in the twin cities where she would make more money than any of the jobs she had worked at. Then at the new job she got she met a nice man at her job ,at first they only talk like if she had a question but then he asked her to lunch ,then on a date then he finally proposed or in other words now they were engaged. Then after a few months she finally said yes and he became be my step dad
Getting a stepdad made me notice how how nice it was to actually have a stepdad but it also showed me how much my mom needed someone to be there for her. when we really got to know him and he was there with me and my mom for a while we knew that we could tell him anything that was going on in our life. My parents have been married for eight years and every keeps getting better and better.
when my parents getting divorced but then living only with my mom and getting  a stepdad ,these events were the most significant events that changed my life the most. How are the significant events really changed my life ,they gave my dad and a great family. From that one picture ,me and my dad took together to now he has always been an amazing dad. But now when I look into his eyes,I remember that moment we spent have these events changes my life. These events in my life  my parents getting divorced ,only living with my mom and getting a stepdad have changed my life but also made it better.

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