Haters Gonna Hate | Teen Ink

Haters Gonna Hate

March 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Ever since I was in the 3rd grade i was made fun of for being "FAT". At first I didn't belive them I thought what ever i don't care what you think. But as i started to get older I started to care more and more. by the time I was in 6th grade I was in middle school and I felt like people would stare at me. So I started throwing up, and not eating. I thought it would solve my problems, but it never does. But after doing that I fell into a whole a deppression. I cut my self once. My friends notticed and said that I was doing it for attention. I was not. But they didn't belive me. They started not talking to me. They would say hurtful things say things like I am a sult or a hoe. But none of them were true. 


After dealing with that I started haning out with what people call the "nerds" but I didn't jsut go there becasue I had no where else to go. I went there becasue I felt like I belong there. When I am there all of the things that people say just go away. And I find my self having a good time agian. 


The last time that I felt like that was a long time ago. I feel like I have found hope again. And I am on the road to recovery. Even though no one else knows my story I do. And I feel like it is time to share it with people. And I am propud of who I now. No matter what they say I know i will always have a home. :)

The author's comments:

    What inspired me to write this peice was i thought I should share my struggels with other people. And I hope my story will help other people.

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