My Brutally Honest Letter to Myself | Teen Ink

My Brutally Honest Letter to Myself

March 10, 2015
By aeglow12 SILVER, Livingston, New Jersey
aeglow12 SILVER, Livingston, New Jersey
5 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -Maya Angelou

Allie is a 16 year old Junior in high school. She doesn’t quite understand the social aspect of high school, but she can still talk to people. She does have friends, but questions if they are the right friends for her. She doesn’t like when people don’t like her because it makes her feel bad about herself and feels as though she has to change.Whenever she is anxious, her left hand will start to tape on the desk or her thigh, to let her know she is going to have an anxiety attack soon, and should call her mom or the hospital. She is often curious about the other sex, not creepily, but how different men are from woman. As a book title says, “Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus.” She completely understands that. She is very fearful of the other sex, men haven’t exactly treated her right for the past 16 years, especially this year. She lets her guard down too easily which eventually leads to her getting hurt. Sometimes it’s hard for her to keep the men in her life because they start to see a reason to not like her, and eventually will turn towards hatred, never letting her get the chase to say what she wants to say. People take advantage of her, especially the other sex. She likes when she receives a smile from the other sex because it makes her feel like she is something. She doesn’t have a theory as to why this happens, but it kills her inside and makes her feel like no one really does love her. Of course she wants a man in her life, and she did, but ended bad and not exactly the way she wanted it to. Eating is scary for her. She eats, definitely, but is scared of it. Her sister was always “allergic” to food, and was scared she is going to develop this allergy. Allie’s scariest fear is being alone. Not like being single, but being alone in a room by herself. She is afraid of what she might do.

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