The Draw | Teen Ink

The Draw

April 21, 2015
By Anonymous

The air is damp and cold. Drops of water from last night's rain linger on the grass. The sunrays shine between the trees, filling the forest with glorious morning light. The clouds have gone, and the blue sky seems to put the whole world in a better mood. A chickadee sings a song in the tree above me, and in the distance I hear a woodpecker. Small blades of grass are poking out of the ground, as if spring is beckoning out of the soil.

Across the meadow the snowcapped peaks glow as the morning light hits them. Seeing the mountains fills me with longing, I want to just drop what I'm doing and go. The draw those rugged peaks have is so strong. It's like a magnet is pulling at my heart, and it alomst hurts, I can't really explain the feeling.

This happens every year, spring comes and it's like the earth is calling my name. I want to respond, I want to so bad. I have to remind myself that a couple of months school will be out, and I will be able chase the wind.

It is all part of the cycle. This feeling of restlessness comes every year, just like the spring showers. I don't know what makes me feel this way, but I can't make it go away. The draw is intense, but I can't do anything about it. So for now I sit under my old pine and dream about the adventures that await me.

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