Treasure | Teen Ink


April 24, 2015
By DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Love thy neighbor.” These words were spoken from the Bible to tell us how to live with others. These words are how our cul-de-sac community, people and all else, strives as my treasured area.

Growing up secluded from downtown Hartland, the major company around is what every neighborhood needs, neighbors. But the neighbors in our circle are a treasure--because of friendship and togetherness. As I’ve aged, neighbors have come and gone, both physically and mentally. But the community doesn’t change.

As neighbors, parents must decide either to live with the community or to put up with the ones around. Putting up with neighbors was never needed. From my eyes, I’ve seen neighbors greet each other as if they knew them for years, and throw parties like it was just another. We embrace each other as one of a kind. It is as if we are a family, bound by circles. Friendship can go miles if communities latch arms together like a chain-link fence. Nice neighbors never give issues, they fix them.

People learn from others. It is a trait that we have. Our community isn’t one where people walk over and ask for a cup of sugar. No, our community is the one that follows behind for protection as the united states secret service does for president Obama. You can stretch life if you swallow words and help another neighbor survive life, or at least help until he can’t. Love your neighbors, and watch them come back with good hearts.

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