North Lake | Teen Ink

North Lake

April 20, 2015
By aspiringwriter13 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aspiringwriter13 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Water clear and still as glass. Yellow, orange, pink splash across the water reflecting a painting of sunrise above. The sun slowly glides across the lakes reflection as it arises into the sky.
The sun peeks through the windows of each home along North Lake awakening the families. By mid-morning, wind fills the sails as the waves carry each of the boats across the lake. One by one, boats round the last buoy, as proud fans cheer on those sailing. Everyone congratulates each other on the race, win or lose.
As the sun moves to its highest point in the sky, the lake warms up from the humid hot sun beating down on the rushing water. As one  make their way around the lake, they find parents catching rays out on the piers, as their childrens’ stampeding feet race to make their biggest splash. Screams get louder and fade quickly as a girls fly buy on a tube, ripping through waves, flying into the air, plunging into the deep water with laughter echoing through the lake. Water skiers graciously skate through the water showing off their tricks.
The sun slowly finds its way to the tree lines and the cool of the night sets in. The sun sets onto the glass of the lake orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue, dance across the water. The colors of the sunset and they day will fade but the memories never will.

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