Retzer Nature Center | Teen Ink

Retzer Nature Center

April 28, 2015
By Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I stand tall, mounted high above with a sense of clarity.

My eyes are flushed clean and I can see now, far--surrounded by open sky. My lungs are filtered clean with what seems to be freshly visited pollen. Retzer Nature Center located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is an untouched, significant treasure that people of Waukesha County are honored to be accompanied by.

Upon entering by the welcome sign, fraggle-winged creatures whose residency is located inside the butterfly garden will be patiently waiting to greet you too. If the odds are in your favor, the wind might glind one onto your finger--that’ll be the closest thing to a warm handshake.

Somewhere between the soil and the sky, the peaks of the barbed wired pine gently kiss the clouds. The prairie connects with the woodland which makes this place special. On the high point of the inclined forest is the wide open field that overlooks all of Waukesha. The open pasture sings a song as the wind sways north. With so much chaos and cluster, it sure is quiet here.

Retzer Nature Center unifies the county in one glorious place: the butterflies with their garden, the trees with their soil, and the people with their community. Together, we call this place our home.

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