The Climb | Teen Ink

The Climb

May 13, 2015
By Austin Dettmer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Austin Dettmer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The journey to the top was a rigorous one, it took hours of rock climbing and backpacking to get to the top of the mountain. But once you broke through the treeline and reached the summit, you began to realize how the hours of struggles you had just overcame were all worth it. Once through the tree line there was still about two hundred feet until the actual summit, that is why they called it Mount Baldy, the very top of the mountain had no trees and was just covered in loose rocks and boulders. The climb up to the actual summit on these rocks was not easy either. The rocks were all loose and were sliding out from under us like quicksand. We were literally climbing hand over hand with rocks falling down the mountain as we went up. But every now and then you had to stop, look around, and take in the view. From this point you could see the whole rest of the mountain range, even though we were yet to reach the summit. Being able to see miles and miles, across multiple states, just made me want to reach the top even more. We finally made it, we reached the top of the mountain, and it was magnificent. It made you realize what a beautiful place this earth is, and how god has created such a beautiful place. The wind blowing at hellacious speeds around you and the clouds around the top of the mountain made it feel like you were actually in the clouds. If you looked around in any direction you could see the rest of the mountain range. Looking through my binoculars i could see a small family of deer walking out of the tree line on a nearby mountain. All you could hear was the wind rushing  by your face and across your ears. And everything was dry but it was very cold even though we were in the middle of the sun. The wind added onto the height we were at made it so cold. We had to hide behind a few jagged boulders for a little bit just to get out of the wind. After we were at the top of about 30 minutes we had to turn around and head back down before the weather turned bad and we were stranded on top of that mountain.

The author's comments:

This piece about my experience climbing a mountian and reaching the top.

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