Changing of the Seasons | Teen Ink

Changing of the Seasons

June 11, 2015
By Summer16 BRONZE, Coronado, California
Summer16 BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Yesterday was the first day of glorious fall, my second favorite season. The leaves turn orange and crispy, perfectly ready to fall on your not so green anymore grass. The weather turns cooler, but not yet frigid enough for heavy coats and boots, despite what most Coronado natives think. Halloween is just around the corner, oversized pumpkins begin to sell by the hundred and candy corn once again will consume your local grocery store. Not to mention the pounds of chocolate that will overwhelm your pillowcase on October 31st.


Along with the horror festivities of Halloween, comes the excited holiday of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving happens to be my second favorite holiday, baking apple pies in the kitchen with my family never gets old.  I retain some of the very best memories from Thanksgiving, whether it was stuffing myself with turkey or sitting at the table for hours after our meal is finished, somehow always finding ways to carry on the conversation.

Fall and summer are quite the different seasons, despite their closeness in proximity and one being my favorite, summer of course. Summer makes you crank the air conditioning where fall makes you wonder why you have it. The differences in the two make them all the better, embracing each one for the short amount of time it is given to us.

Spring and winter are not ones to forget either. Winter holds my absolute favorite holiday of the year, Christmas. Holiday lights and decorations get the best of me, as well as the carols that never leave my head at all in the month of December. As Christmas approaches, I suddenly claim to be an amazing baker and whip up almost every holiday dessert I can find, only a fraction of them turning out edible.

Spring is such a peaceful season. The flowers secretly blooming making each town beautifully unique, beaches start to overflow, and parking in Coronado becomes scarce. Kids begin to get antsy for the last day of school to appear, as well as teachers and parents. Coaches become more relaxed, and homework gets less and less demanding. Life gets better in the spring, preparing us for the best season of all.

I often stop to think about how grateful I am for seasons…even though southern California only has the slightest of changes between each one. How boring would life be without them? Never looking forward to the changing of temperature or it getting darker earlier, starting in November. I can’ t imagine how miserable it would be, not getting to change your wardrobe from summer dresses to boots and sweaters when the month of October rolls around.

The author's comments:

Inspired by a sacred writing time topic given to me in class, about the transition from Summer to Fall. 

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