This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

October 18, 2015
By Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You may scoff as you read this, but hear me out. I do not mean to say that I believe in the magic of storybooks,

   of fairytales,
     of the witches and wizards of Harry Potter.

No, those are not the types of magic I believe in. As much as I enjoy all of those things, the magic I believe in, the kind I see in my own life, is of a much more simplistic origin.

I believe in the magic we see every day, the magic that we stop noticing as we grow older and life wears us down. The little things that cheer us up on a bad day, the small coincidences that pass us by practically unnoticed, the people we bump into in the hallway or on the sidewalk that stick in our minds for some unknown reason, and the snippets of people’s lives we overhear in passing conversation that remind us all off where we fit in the grand scheme of things.

To many people these moments seem ordinary,
nothing worth noting for more than an instant.

But think deeper for a minute. Something had to lead us to this moment. Whether it was coincidence or some great destiny planned out by God that led us to meet the person who sends us sweet texts on gloomy days or allowed us to pass a stranger in the hallways who now is our best friend.

Either way, all those tiny moments happened.

They happened for a reason, whatever that reason may be.
Each tiny moment in our past led to our present. Each tiny moment in our present leads to our future.

Coincidence or not, that is magical.

It is possible I have yet to convince you. You might still think that the world is random, that everything that happens only happens by chance and that is nothing to be impressed by. And you could be right. Every moment could have played out infinitely other ways.

But this everyday magic materializes in unexpected ways. Whether you cross paths with a long lost best friend or simply find a coffee flavor that you love so much you are certain it was made for you specifically. Just because these moments do not adhere to the extravagant magic of fiction and fantasy does not mean they are not also magical.

Actually, these moments are even more magical than those of fiction because theses moments are not fiction. They are real.

Maybe I am naïve. Maybe I am just a small girl, too ready for the next stage of my life and too soft for the harsh realities of it, stepping into shoes that are too big for me and fated to trip on my first solo step. 

Maybe I am just playing a pretentious game.

But I have to believe in something. So I will sit here, naïve as it may be, and believe in the magic I see in the little moments in every day of my life.

The author's comments:

I believe in magic. In this, I will explain why.

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