Flag Paper | Teen Ink

Flag Paper

November 6, 2015
By Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What does the American flag symbolize to me?



The American flag represents family, opportunity, and success. My father was an immigrant from Hungary. My father came to the United States when he was six years old. The American flag represents success and liberty because of how much this country has given my family. This country gave my grandpa his manufacturing business.

The manufacturing business is an urban manufacturing a supplier for Harley Davidson, General Electric, and Eaton Power Systems. Urban Manufacturing opened in 1978. This country gave my grandfather opportunity to open his business. My dad and grandpa’s business opened in 1978 which has become very successful. This country gave my family opportunity and because of that, I am thankful everyday to be an American.

Hungary was controlled by Russia, so in Hungary, my dad and grandparents did not have success or luck. Not a day will go by that I don’t think about this country and how it has made strong change in my family. In 2014, I traveled to Budapest, Hungary, and saw what the country was like where my father was from. In Budapest I noticed that the people were much different than here. I also noticed how good the Hungarian food was. I was thankful that I got to see my father’s home country.

Thanks to America, my family is living the American Dream and we are living a good life. Great moments in life are born from great opportunity. Everyday this country gives my family and I even more opportunities on having a great life. Not a day will go by that I am not thankful for what this country has given my family. Everyday we are living the American Dream. Everyday I tell myself what a beautiful wonderful country we live in.

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Written about the American Flag. 

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