Burs vs Purrs | Teen Ink

Burs vs Purrs

November 12, 2015
By Maria_Comstock BRONZE, NAPA, California
Maria_Comstock BRONZE, NAPA, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyday, millions of vegetables die in the mouths of vegetarians, help end the violence.

There I am, being brutally dragged across the ground, hurtling through the grass.  I could feel the grittiness of dirt in my mouth, I am being swung every which way.  Finally, covered in dirt and blood, I untie myself from this horrible beast and yank off the leash tied to my wrist.  I felt an aching pain in every part of my body.  But nevertheless, my tormenter commenced to wag his tail, and bark playfully, as I lay, broken, on the ground.  This showed me that dogs don’t care about you, they care more for the ball you hold, or the food you buy.  While with my experience with cats, is that when you are ill, they will lie with you on your sickbed, and purr on your chest.  They will lick up the blood from your bloody nose while you slumber, and will awake you if you endure a bad dream.  This is one of the many reasons that I Believe That Cats Are Much Better Than dogs.

When I have to take care of my grandparents’ dog, those are the worst days of my life.  Everywhere I step, there is a dog biting my ankle, or jumping up on me, everywhere I go there is slobber and a little white dog under foot.  I am constantly hearing the whine of the dog, as he tries to torture my dear cats.  This dog has to pee every two seconds, unlike the ever resourceful cat, who doesn’t maim your door every time they see a squirrel or need to run around, cats can do what they need to do, and don’t need humans to hold their paw every minute of the day.

I remember one day, I was innocently at a yard sale with my best friend, looking at a puzzle of a cat, when a nice old man got out of his car to come over and browse, with his fluffy black chihuahua thing.  He set the little dog down, and out of nowhere, a huge German Shepherd streaked across the yard and attacked the chihuahua thing. The owner, who was too frail to do anything tried calling for help, but it was too late, the little dog was dead.  The old man fell to the ground and grabbed up his dog, wailing.  I stood there shocked, not knowing what to do, as the man jumped into his car with the dead dog, and slowly drove off, not looking back.  You see, this traumatized everyone around the event, and shaped what I think about dogs.  Dogs have no empathy.   Cats, on the other hand, don’t fight in front of people, and are considerate of people’s feelings.  If they do fight, which unlike dogs, is usually for a good reason, they fight in a secluded place, not in public.  Also, that smaller dog needed the help of his human, but cats don’t need your help, they can deal with life on their own.  Plus, cats are brave, ever hear about Tara the cat, and how she saved a little boy from a vicious dog attack!

And what about the saying “The dog ate my homework”?   You see, people, even dog lovers use that excuse, because obviously this dog has no regard for your time, career, or education.  You never hear people saying “The cat ate my homework” because cats have regards for your feelings, they have dignity, and they respect your education.

If you are still wondering why cats are better, read this again!

The author's comments:

I believe that cats are Much better than dogs

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