Two Inspiring Brothers | Teen Ink

Two Inspiring Brothers

December 7, 2015
By opralle22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
opralle22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who know me. I am the only one who knows them. Two encouraging brothers with lengthy legs and stretching figures like mine. Two who never cease to make me smile. Two airhead brothers I was blessed with. In our home, we fight, but in the end we learn to appreciate each other.

Their strength is together. They stand, uplift, cheer up, and inspire me together. They grow up and they grasp life’s enlightening lessons with full force, and take on the day as it is. This is how they live.

Let one forget their reason for being, they would shut down like a broken computer. Family, family, family, it’s what keeps us all going.

When I am too sad or too discouraged to keep keeping, when I realize I am just a tiny fleck of dust in this universe, it is them who inspire me. When I feel that giving up is the only answer. Two brothers who grew into amazing men. Two brothers who try and never forget to try. Two brothers, my built in best friends.

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