Four Silent Sounds | Teen Ink

Four Silent Sounds

December 4, 2015
By luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the four that speak but are not heard. I am the few that hear them. Four silent sounds with spikes and curves. four that are heard but not acknowledged. Four that sing so loudly but are not welcome alone. Wherever I go, I hear them, but my friends cannot.

Their freedom is secret. They invade noise, sending spikes and curves through them. They control all sound and stab up and down. They move quickly never dying, but always losing something.

They come together and never stop singing. This is how they sing.

For if one stops singing, they would all go silent like an orchestra without their instruments theye can not be alone. Sing sing sing they say when i listen.

When I am to quiet too lonely to sing. When I am too tired to keep moving up a never-ending slope then I listen to them sing. When there is nothing left to hear. Four lonely sounds who sing even though they are not heard. Four who alone can only scream but together can sing. Four whose only reason is to sing.

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