One Annoying Brother | Teen Ink

One Annoying Brother

December 4, 2015
By ADrew3 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ADrew3 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He is the only one who annoys me. I am the only one who annoys him. One annoying brother with a creative mind and thoughts like mine. One who does not stop annoying just because it brings attention. One brother excused by our parents. From our room, he annoys me, but Mom just works and doesn’t pay attention.

He annoys in secret. He sends messages through my computer. He runs up and throws me down and grabs my hair between his small hands and bites my arm with powerful teeth and never surrenders from his rage. This is how he annoys.

I’ll never forget his reason for annoyance, we’re brothers from the same parents, with our arms around each other. Wake, wake, wake he says when I sleep. He rouses me from my innocent sleep.

When I am too mad and too tired to keep waking, when I am a silhouette against my wall, then it is I that annoys. When there is nothing left to do at that hour. One who annoyed despite the consequences. One who annoys and does not forget the consequences. One whose only reason is to irritate and be my brother.

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