Six Shiny Earrings | Teen Ink

Six Shiny Earrings

December 4, 2015
By 6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who shine for me.  I am the only one who shines for them. Six shiny earrings with shiny diamonds and pointy ends like mine.  Six distinct rocks that have their own way.  Six diamonds that were hand picked and cut.  From my room, I can see them, but the mall just sells and makes money.

Their value is secret.  They send light into different directions. They get clean and they get dirty and they catch the attention of boys and girls alike.  This is how they appear.

Let one forget they are in the ear they’d all glimmer in the sunlight, each with their own unique cut.  Shiny, Shiny, Shiny they sparkle when i sleep.  They glimmer.

When I am too dirty and too busy to keep shining, when I am a cloth next to a bottle of polisher, then it is is I look at the diamonds.  When there is nothing left to shine in my room.  Six who get lustrous.  Six who light up and do not forget to light up.  Six whose only reason is to shine and shine.

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