School Starts Wayyy Too Early | Teen Ink

School Starts Wayyy Too Early

December 4, 2015
By _ambyK SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
_ambyK SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
5 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m not following anyone else&#039;s tracks, I&#039;m making my own.&quot;<br /> -Picabo Street

Everyone hates that dreaded sound of an alarm clock...especially if that alarm clock happens to be buzzing at 5:00 am. I mean, you've gotta  get up... if you want to shower, get dressed, eat, and catch the bus on time. In a country where teachers and school board leaders are desperately searching for the answers as to why their students aren't preforming at their highest capability, it's suprising that they haven't seemed to think about the amount of sleep teens (and kids in general, really) are getting. Ever stayed up until 1:00 am on your phone? Yeah, me to (I suffer from a slight addiction to Pintrest) Or have you ever stayed up reeeeally late working on that PowerPoint that's due first thing the next day? When you wake up the next morning, you feel like a zombie. And let me tell you, zombies don't do so well in school. If I ever became president, I would at least make school start at 9:00am. Much better, don't you think? 

The author's comments:

I wrote this at school... I was feeling reeeally tired, and I was thinking about how ridiculously early school starts.

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