First Time Skiing | Teen Ink

First Time Skiing

December 17, 2015
By jamesberg73414 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
jamesberg73414 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were already out there. My friends said I didn’t need any practice because I would get the hang of it easily. As I said okay I got onto the ski lift going up with my friends Collin and Luke. I was shaking and shivering in fear but somehow I was still excited.
“Are you scared yet James,” Luke said to me laughing. All I did was laugh and smiled at him but inside I really was scared.
”You're gonna be fine. This is the hill I first went on when I went skiing,” Collin had said. By the time he finished his sentence we were already at the top of the hill. I was feeling really nauseous because the hill we were on was high in the air and I’m scared of heights. As I got my skis locked into my boots I headed towards the hill double. When we got down to the hill my other friends were there. Sam and Will, who also hasn’t been skiing before.
”Hey guys what took you so long,” Sam said with what looked like an angered face.
”We had to wait for Luke to fix his skis they were on the wrong size,” Collin said quickly.
”Well okay but let's hurry up because I want to get to the train park next,” Sam said. In about 5 seconds Luke and Sam took off down the hill racing each other. It looked easy for them but in my head I was thinking I would fall after the first hill. Double was a hill that had 3 main slopes and the first one was pretty steep. Will and I were scared head to toe, we didn’t even want to move because we thought we should start rolling down the hill.
“Guys its not gonna be that bad trust me. The least that's gonna happen is you're gonna fall and it doesn’t even hurt,” Collin told us trying to get our hopes up.
“I know it's not that bad it's just that I didn’t get any practice before this and I’m afraid i'm gonna faceplant,” I said in a worried voice. They both laughed a little and then Collin said to us “once you fall once, all you get is better. Just remember keep swaying left and right so you have better control.” 

“Okay,” Will and I said at the same time.
“I’ll go first, I said excitingly. The excitement has finally gotten back into my system after Collin had told me how to get in control and how easy it is. Right when I started going down the hill my heart dropped. I don’t know why because I wasn’t scared or anything so I thought it was just a late reaction. I started doing what collin told me to do and it really worked. I was swaying back and forth and it felt like the easiest thing ever! Without even practicing once I was already doing really good. Hill after hill it felt like I was getting better. I was thinking in my head that I could get really good at skiing and it could be my favorite thing someday. As I got to the last hill I saw Sam and Luke waiting for me. Of course though I did fall at the end because I still didn’t know how to properly stop. I got helped up by both of them and Sam asked me how easy it was for me.
“I didn’t fall at all and Skiing isn’t that bad as I thought it would be,’’ I said in a enjoyingly voice.
“You did pretty good your first try. My first try I tripped over my ski,” Luke said while laughing. While we were talking Collin and Will were coming down together and surprisingly Will and I were both doing great!
“Alright guys let's go to the train park now,” Collin said out of breath.
“That's the one with all the jumps and rails right?” Will said.
“Yeah it is but let's hurry up it usually gets busy quickly,’’ Luke said. As we were walking, in my head I was thinking that skiing is now one of my favorite things because of the excitement and the adrenalin it takes while you go down the hill.
“You guys ready?” Collin said.
“Yup let’s go,” I said.
When we were going up the rope Collin and I were talking about next week coming here and while he was saying that all I could think about was getting better and better.  This experience changed me because I now know that skiing is one of my favorite things to do. Also most of my time this winter break is going to be spent at cannonsburg practicing and getting better at skiing.

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