The Best Christmas Ever | Teen Ink

The Best Christmas Ever

December 18, 2015
By hnorthup BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
hnorthup BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Here he comes,” my Mom said anxiously.

“What?” I added as I run to the stairs wondering where the strange noise was coming from-my sister followed behind me almost as confused as I was. It was going to be a good Christmas when we discovered we got a dog.
My sister and I sat next to each other in front of the tree down in my basement as my Mom handed us gifts. Every time she handed us a gift she had a bit of a smirk on her face. It made me a little suspicious; not much because it is hard to be suspicious on Christmas. My Dad had a straight face because you could tell he knew we were overly spoiled but, My sister and I both knew he still loved Christmas as much as we did. Still, something did not feel right I had a little feeling this would be a better Christmas than normal but I could not figure out why...until I heard unusual jingling upstairs almost like santa himself might have been upstairs in my own house but, that could not be true.

I ran to the stairs to see what was going on, and I saw something I never thought I would get. My jaw dropped to the floor and my heart raced. Could this really be happening? I screamed and ran up the stairs and picked up the cutest little dog in the world, he was:  black, extremely soft, and had the biggest brown eyes I had ever seen. The jingling came from a collar he had with bells all around it so we could hear him coming. I never thought this moment would come.

It was not long before my sister came upstairs and took the dog out of my hands to hold it. My Dad made me believe we would not ever get a dog so I had a hard time understanding how my Mom convinced him. I turned over to look at my parents only to see my Mom with a huge smile and my Dad with the slightest smirk on his face because I do not think he was as thrilled about it as we were.

When things settled down we sat around the Christmas tree as my Mom told us that she already had him for a week before Christmas and he stayed at my grandma’s house. His name was Buddy because when my grandma would call him inside she did not know what to call him so she called him Buddy, like a friend. She told us that we were not going to change his name because we did not confuse him. I was sort of zoning out because I still could not get over the fact that we were going to have our very own dog in our house and I could call him mine.
Looking back on the day I realized how much happiness the dog brought us and as crazy as it sounds, it brought our family closer together and taught us responsibility on how to take care of a pet.

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