A Community I Love | Teen Ink

A Community I Love

December 28, 2015
By Cables.gh BRONZE, Accra, Other
Cables.gh BRONZE, Accra, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
opinions are like noses; every one has got one

Thinking of why you love where you live is a fun exercise that stirs up a lot of gratitude. It’s easy to want others’ lives, but it is more worthwhile to find and appreciate the good in your own. Life is certainly much better if you love where you live. Living in a Black Community, one has to endure certain bumps and bruises but this environment is that which has created the Greats of Africa. With this I would love to share what I love about my community.

Firstly the tolerance level in my community considering the diversity of inhabitants is one thing that will always remain an unsolved mystery. There are people from various religions and tribes in my community but the way in which we sync is very great. This creates a conducive environment for socialisation both for the younger generation and also enables you to learn more than one indigenous language before your Teenage Period.

Also my community has history which is continuously being passed on by two old folks who live near the community fields. They willingly pour out history about how the community came about to the curious souls that dwell in my community. This phenomenon just gives me a strong sense of belonging.

One might also like to relax after a day’s work and there is a perfect place to do that in my community. This is no place resulting from man’s abstract intelligence but rather an elevation created by the weird movements of tectonic plates and erosion. The hill in my community serves as the best place to see the sun set and also relax from a day’s work.

This notwithstanding, the increasing growth in the invention and use of technology has had its effect on the virtual keepers of the future of Africa in my community. The level of innovation in kids in my community just gives me reason to believe Africans are not far from the light at the end of the tunnel we are in. The kids now walk around with their own models of electricity generators down to cars, helicopters and various improved versions of the objects of transportation.

Lastly the rate at which the youth indulge themselves in communal activities just makes me love my community the most. Almost every individual involves himself or herself during communal labour. After working, some youth just offer to buy sachet water which we refer to as “pure water” for everybody who participated. This also accounts for neatness, tolerance and serene atmosphere of my community.

The ability of an Individual to interrelate well is highly correlated with the nature of environment they are exposed to at a young age and as such, the distribution of communities like these all over Africa explains why most Africans are so good in socialisation. This is why I love my Community.

# Proudly_African

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